2023 Show
The 2023 Coaley Produce Show was held on Saturday 2nd September.
Vegetable Cup - Tylan Bahcheli.
G. S. Neale Cup for Fruit - Bob Parkinson.
Flower Cup - Jean Bryant.
Floral Decoration Cup - Laura Gibbs.
Domestic Cup - Vanessa Sprague.
Rose Bowl - Mark Wyatt.
Coaley W.I. Cup for Arts and Crafts - Mark Wyatt.
Jean Steel Cup for Children - Pippa Gibbs.
Billet Cup for Children - Tess Gibbs.
Frank Workman Rose Bowl - Ann Bahcheli.
Winnie Brooks Cup for the Most Beautiful Flower - Lisa Boden.
Major Memorial Award - Tylan Bahcheli.
Wooden Spoon - Kevin Spill.
Cospa Cup for Photography - Stephen Cook.
Florie Curson Dahlia Cup - Lisa Boden.
Centaur Cup for Coaley School (7 and under) - Maurice Keating.
Centaur Cup for Coaley School (8 -10) - Juno Fowkes.
Section A - Vegetables
1: Runner beans - 1st: D. Wilcox; 2nd: M. Jones; 3rd: M. Lorkin.
2: French beans - 1st: T. Bahcheli; 2nd: T. Bahcheli; 3rd: T. Bahcheli.
3: Globe beetroot - 1st: M. Wyatt; 2nd: T. Bahcheli; 3rd: L. Bryant.
4: Long rooted carrots - 1st: D. Wilcox; 2nd: J. Davis; 3rd: M. Wyatt.
5: Stump rooted carrots - 1st: T. Bahcheli; 2nd: M. Lorkin; 3rd: M. Lorkin.
6: Sweetcorn - 1st: I. Whiting; 2nd: T. Bahcheli; 3rd: B. Parkinson.
7: Heaviest onion - 1st: B. Parkinson; 2nd: D. Wilcox.
8: Onions, from sets - 1st: B. Parkinson; 2nd: D. Wilcox; 3rd: J. Davis.
9: Culinary squash - 1st: J. Attwooll; 2nd: J. Attwooll; 3rd: M. McDowell.
10: Cucumber - 1st: B. Parkinson; 2nd: T. Bahcheli; 3rd: M. Wyatt; H C: M. Wyatt.
11: White potatoes - 1st: M. Wyatt; 2nd: M. Jones; 3rd: R. Payne.
12: Coloured potatoes - 1st: M. Wyatt; 2nd: M. Wyatt; 3rd: M. Jones.
13: Heaviest marrow or courgette - 1st: J. Attwooll; 2nd: M. Jones; 3rd: M. McDowell.
14: Longest runner bean - 1st: J. Attwooll; 2nd: I. Farmer; 3rd: R. Payne; 3rd: J. Davis.
15: Courgettes - 1st: S. Cook; 2nd: J. Attwooll; 3rd: A. Lush.
16: Three salad vegetables - 1st: T. Bahcheli; 2nd: R. Payne; 3rd: J. Attwooll.
17: Any other vegetable - 1st: I. Whiting; 2nd: M. Wyatt; 3rd: D. Wilcox.
18: Mini collection of vegetables - 1st: T. Bahcheli; 2nd: D. Wilcox; 3rd: I. Whiting; H C: L. Bryant; H C: J. Attwooll.
19: Vegetable of unusual shape - 1st: D. Wilcox; 2nd: J. Attwooll; 3rd: J. Attwooll.
Section B - Fruit
20: Green tomatoes - 1st: B. Parkinson; 2nd: T. Bahcheli; 3rd: A. Burak.
21: Truss of tomatoes - 1st: B. Parkinson; 2nd: M. Wyatt; 3rd: I. Whiting; H C: I. Farmer.
22: Medium-large tomatoes - 1st: B. Parkinson; 2nd: T. Bahcheli; 3rd: T. Bahcheli.
23: Small tomatoes - 1st: T. Bahcheli; 2nd: M. Wyatt; 3rd: T. Bahcheli.
24: Cooking apples - 1st: T. Bahcheli; 2nd: D. Harvey; 3rd: R. Payne.
25: Eating apples - 1st: J. Attwooll; 2nd: A. Hambling; 3rd: J. Attwooll.
26: Eating pears - 1st: S. Cook; 2nd: T. Bahcheli; 3rd: M. Penny.
27: Plums - 1st: J. Attwooll; 2nd: T. Bahcheli; 3rd: M. Penny; H C: J. Attwooll.
28: Any other fruit - 1st: L. Bryant; 2nd: A. Hambling; 3rd: M. Burak; H C: D. Wilcox.
Section C - Flowers
29: Japanese anenomies - 1st: M. McDowell; 2nd: V. Sprague; 3rd: S. Tucker; H C: C. Roper.
30: Sweet peas - 1st: A. Bahcheli; 2nd: A. Burak; 3rd: J. Allan; H C: C. Roper.
31: Dahlias, pompom blooms - 1st: L. Boden; 2nd: S. Compton; 3rd: S. Tucker; H C: L. Boden.
32: Dahlias, medium - 1st: K. Lynch; 2nd: B. Gilbert; 3rd: A. Bahcheli; H C: K. Lynch.
33: Dahlias, large - 1st: L. Boden.
34: Roses, 4 blooms - 1st: A. Bahcheli; 2nd: P. Grimwood; 3rd: K. Lynch; H C: T. Walker.
35: Specimen rose - 1st: R. Jones; 2nd: T. Walker; 3rd: A. Eve; H C: A. Bahcheli.
36: Cluster roses - 1st: A. Burak; 2nd: R. Jones; 3rd: R. Payne; H C: K. Lynch.
37: Minature rose blooms - 1st: A. Bahcheli; 2nd: J. Bryant.
38: Nasturtiums - 1st: S. Tucker; 2nd: S. Tucker; 3rd: M. Wyatt; H C: M. McDowell.
39: A single garden flower - 1st: J. Bryant; 2nd: A. Bahcheli; 3rd: C. Roper; H C: S. Tucker.
40: 2 spikes of flowers - 1st: J. Bryant; 2nd: S. Tucker; 3rd: A. Bahcheli.
41: Single cluster flower - 1st: S. Tucker; 2nd: A. Bahcheli; 3rd: A. Bahcheli; H C: C. Roper.
42: Mixed garden flowers - 1st: J. Bryant; 2nd: A. Bahcheli; 3rd: S. Tucker; H C: J. Davis.
43: Mixed culinary herbs - 1st: V. Sprague; 2nd: M. McDowell; 3rd: A. Bahcheli; H C: M. Penny.
44: A Pelagonium in a pot - 1st: J. Bryant.
45: One alpine plant in a pot - 1st: J. Bryant; 2nd: J. Bryant; 3rd: M. McDowell; H C: M. Penny.
46: Best flowering plant in a pot - 1st: M. McDowell; 2nd: B. Whitwam Davis; 3rd: M. Penny; H C: S. Tucker.
47: Best foliage plant in a pot - 1st: S. Tucker; 2nd: S. Tucker; 3rd: J. Bryant.
Section D - Floral Decoration
48: An arrangement of mixed garden flowers - 1st: P. Grimwood; 2nd: L. Gibbs; 3rd: L. Boden.
49: Coronation - 1st: L. Gibbs.
50: Africa - 1st: L. Gibbs.
51: Leaves and Grasses - 1st: L. Gibbs; 2nd: P. Grimwood.
52: Arrangement in kitchen item - 1st: L. Gibbs; 2nd: L. Gibbs; 3rd: L. Gibbs; H C: L. Lorkin; H C: K. Lynch.
53: Hand-tied posy - 1st: M. McDowell; 2nd: L. Gibbs; 3rd: P. Grimwood.
Section E - Home Economics
54: Vegetable samosas - 1st: V. Sprague; 2nd: M. Penny; 3rd: M. Wyatt.
55: Vegetarion sausage rolls - 1st: M. Wyatt; 2nd: M. Wyatt; 3rd: V. Sprague.
56: One naan bread - 1st: V. Sprague.
57: Crown cake - 1st: J. Spill; 2nd: V. Sprague.
58: Lemon meringue pie - 1st: T. Walker; 2nd: S. Cook; 3rd: M. Wyatt.
59: Viennese whirls - 1st: H. Mann; 2nd: T. Walker; 3rd: M. Wyatt; H C: R. Wilcox.
60: Millionaire shortbread - 1st: R. Foote; 2nd: V. Sprague; 3rd: P. Sprague.
61: Vegan fudge - 1st: V. Sprague; 2nd: M. Penny.
62: A jar of chutney - 1st: M. Wyatt; 2nd: V. Sprague; 3rd: I. Farmer.
63: A jar of jam - 1st: J. Davis; 2nd: V. Sprague; 3rd: V. Sprague.
64: A jar of marmalade - 1st: V. Sprague; 2nd: M. Wyatt; 3rd: K. Lynch.
65: A jar of ketchup - 1st: W. Allan; 2nd: V. Sprague; 3rd: V. Sprague.
66: Flavoured alcohol - 1st: A. Burak; 2nd: P. Whiting; 3rd: V. Sprague; H C: V. Sprague; H C: L. Compton; H C: L. Bryant.
67: Cookie cake - 1st: K. Spill; 2nd: M. Wyatt; 3rd: C. Prout.
68: Home produced eggs - 1st: M. McDowell; 2nd: S. Compton; 3rd: A. Lush.
Section F - Arts and Crafts
69: Knitted or crocheted tank top - 1st: A. Eve; 2nd: T. Walker; 3rd: B. Whitwam Davis.
70: Knitted or crocheted cot blanket - 1st: A. Burak; 2nd: B. Whitwam Davis; 3rd: J. Dunlop.
71: Christmas stocking - 1st: B. Whitwam Davis; 2nd: C. Roper; 3rd: B. Whitwam Davis; H C: Z. Young.
72: Papier-mâché bowl - 1st: S. Tucker; 2nd: G. Hardy; 3rd: S. Tucker; H C: B. Walker.
73: A wood carving - 1st: D. Attwooll.
74: Item made from salt dough - 1st: J. Dunlop; 2nd: S. Tucker; 3rd: S. Tucker; H C: M. Wyatt; H C: J. Bryant.
75: Bug house or hotel - 1st: M. Wyatt; 2nd: B. Walker.
76: Seascape - 1st: K. Harvey; 2nd: M. Wyatt; 3rd: M. Wyatt.
77: A painted Coaley scene - 1st: M. Wyatt.
78: A tree - any medium - 1st: L. Spyvee; 2nd: D. Attwooll; 3rd: Z. Young; H C: D. Attwooll.
79: A humorous cartoon - 1st: J. Attwooll.
80: A Limerick - 1st: V. Sprague; 2nd: J. Dunlop; 3rd: S. Sirett.
Section G - Photography
81: Two seasons on an A4 sheet - 1st: S. Sirett; 2nd: J. Attwooll; 3rd: A. Hambling; H C: M. Davis.
82: Bird or birds - 1st: S. Cook; 2nd: S. Cook; 3rd: M. Davis; H C: M. Davis.
83: Emotion - 1st: M. Davis; 2nd: M. Penny; 3rd: J. Attwooll; H C: M. Davis.
84: Wonderful world - 1st: S. Cook; 2nd: M. Davis; 3rd: M. Davis; H C: S. Cook.
Section H - Children's
85: Pizza face - 1st: L. Lorkin; 2nd: L. Walker; 3rd: T. Lorkin; H C: D. Foote.
86: Footprint painting - 1st: L. Walker; 2nd: L. Lorkin; 3rd: D. Foote; H C: T. Lorkin.
87: A cress head - 1st: L. Lorkin; 2nd: T. Lorkin.
88: Thumb cookie - 1st: B. Walker; 2nd: P. Gibbs.
89: A Halloween decoration - 1st: B. Walker; 2nd: P. Gibbs; 3rd: T. Imrie; H C: P. Gibbs.
90: Floating flowers - 1st: P. Gibbs; 2nd: P. Gibbs.
91: Thumb cookie - 1st: T. Caldwell; 2nd: P. Cook; 3rd: T. Gibbs; H C: C. Imrie; H C: S. Caldwell.
92: A Halloween decoration - 1st: P. Cook; 2nd: T. Gibbs; 3rd: C. Imrie; H C: A. Lush.
93: An insect made from twigs and leaves - 1st: T. Gibbs; 2nd: T. Gibbs; 3rd: P. Cook; H C: S. Caldwell.
Section I - Centaur Cups
94: A Hanging decoration - 1st: M. Keating.
95: A bird nesting box - 1st: J. Fowkes; 2nd: F. Fielding; 3rd: J. Penn; H C: I. Telling.
Section J - Gardens Cup